
Bill Scheffel:
"I have called on Annie for her intuitive readings for over ten years. I've called on her for decisions as large as foreign travel or purchasing a home. I've called on her very often to help me understand an interpersonal conflict, confusion or challenge. Sometimes I call her and don't even know what my question will be, but something significant to ask about always arises. Throughout these ten years, I can't say she ever been "wrong" - quite the contrary, what she says is essentially always helpful, always clarifying, just about always spot on. As a reliable source of input for guidance its hard to imagine life without her." -October 2013

"I have received Reads from Annie several times over the years. I found my interactions with her very insightful and compassionate. Last time I talked to her the first thing she asked: 'is there a baby coming?'. I said 'No'. But a week later we did find out that my wife had been pregnant for over a week. Amazing. I would recommended her to anyone looking for direction." -October 2013

Lisa S:
“I've had one consultation with Annie as an intuitive to date and found the experience extremely useful and rewarding. Annie was highly sensitive and attuned in a way that allowed her to effectively filter through and recognize the most vital information to share with me. She was able to then communicate that material in a clear, compassionate and direct manner. The session helped me better organize some of the ideas I'd been working with for a writing project and confirmed the relevance of the work I was engaged in as integral to my path. At a time of upheaval and self-doubt this was just the healing inspiration I needed loosen the binds that kept my projects from fully developing. I can recommend her services whole-heartedly.” -August 2011